Prototype of vegetable oil micro-cogeneration unit from TTS Martin was presented on Coneco/Racioenergia fair and was awarded by technical commitee.
On the fair, which had 561 exhibitors, our product was successful among the most modern appliances from all over the world and received Honorable mention award from the commitee of Racioenergia fair. Competition was oriented to inovative technologies for energy saving. High-efficiency combined heat and power production from biofuel in microCHP MP 20 Y-DCU therefore conforms all the conditions for the award.
Among more than 100 000 visitors of the fair micro-cogeneration unit had high interest. Therefore we will be presenting it more and next opportunity to see it is exhibition Lange Nacht der Forschung in austrian Eisenstadt, 27.4., where will be presenting also another prototype of microCHP for vegetable oil but with even lower power.